Thursday, May 31, 2007

unexpected delays

Things just don't always work out like you expect them to. Learned that one the hard way this time around.
I was supposed to leave from JFK Monday afternoon on a flight to Tokyo. When I was waiting in line at the airport to check in I discovered that I did not have my passport. "Any way I can do this without a passport?" I ask. Response was something along the lines of, not a chance.

I don't know what happened to my passport. It seems to be one of those mysteries that will either never be solved or will turn up years down the road under the backseat of my parent's van or something and everyone will laugh. Not too much laughing for the moment.

So I've spent the week with Theresa, my cousin here in the city. Which has been good. Lots of time to read, talk, play with kittens (see pics), and set this up. Kittens have a way of distracting and engaging you that lifts the spirit.

After several days of stressing, staring at the computer, running up my cell minutes and spending more money than I actually have, I'm scheduled to fly out Saturday morning. You wouldn't believe the trouble and expense involved with getting a new passport super fast. I'm having a hard time understanding how this is going to work out in the end but for now I'm trying to listen to the voices of assurance in my life right now that say, I know it may be hard or impossible to see right now but good things will come of it and you just have to make the best of it.

Crossing fingers till Saturday and enjoying my extra time in the city. Lots of walking, sore calves, time to stretch, time to think and write.


Unknown said...

Hi Amy,
Love your blog site, if that is what to call this! It's great to follow along and hear your take on misadventures and - still to come - actual good adventures!! I'm proud of you for the mature way you're handling this -

Love, Mom

Unknown said...

Also, a question: Will you have to come back with the other students or can you stay an extra week?
<3 Mom

Unknown said...

Also, I'm pretty sure your passport is not in the van since I scoured it thoroughly the other day looking for it. But your comment about that reminded of something that happened to Billy. This is nowhere near the scale of your trauma, but at the time it was pretty bad. One year Billy sold over $600 worth of products in the cheese and sausage sale, and before we could separate and tag all the orders, he lost the 2 page order form! Dad had a copy of the second page for the credit union order, which helped some, but for the rest he had to do it from memory and basically just resell a whole lot of stuff. Can you imagine?? And, you guessed it, a couple weeks after he turned in the money, the order form turned up in a crevice of the van...


LOL - Mom again

Unknown said...

Amy- I just realized that the May foster kittens made your blog. I am about to call their new owners and will have to pass along the 'famous' aspect of their history. I'll let you know how impressed they are.