Saturday, September 22, 2007

general betray us

"General Petraeus has actually said American troops will need to stay in Iraq for as long as ten years." published an add in the New York Times calling General Petraeus on his lies and inconsistencies regarding the "success" of the surge and the level of violence in Iraq. All independent sources in Iraq, as well as the Iraqi government, report that violence has increased and sectarian tensions have worsened in recent months. Actually, I'm amazed that the Times ran the add at all. See the add here.

FINally, voices for peace (which consist of at least 60% of the population according to recent polls) are making their way into the mainstream media and what does Congress do? Pass a resolution condemning the add. Absolutely ridiculous. The Congress is supposed to be a representative body, one of the representative bodies, of US citizens and yet when people everywhere are demanding that troops come home and we end this disgraceful war Congress doesn't just ignore those voices, they take it a step further by actively condemning them.

Go and sign a statement to be sent to Congress to say that you will not be silenced.

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